Astral Integration, Star Beings and Stellar Portals

Sometimes Starseeds or people on the Ascension Path can receive a lot of ET energy downloads, have visions, have unique astral experiences and then it is possible to experience a higher dimensional ET intelligence field in the astral planes which appears as the origin of such energy downloads. As said in December 2021, many people … Read more

Understanding Spiritual Ascension Cycles

There are repeating yearly Spiritual Ascension Cycles that can be utilized for creation, manifestation and spiritual work, that exist in alignment with the Earth seasons, equinoxes, solstices and the mid-points between them. Some may discover on deeper inquiry and through direct spiritual experience that there are 4 key points in the yearly cycle that combines … Read more


I and a handful of my soul group members are the few ascendants and winners in an Ayahuasca Sorcery War waged in the astral for control of the energy and power of the Spiritual Master for non-consensual anchoring in ayahuasca ceremonies involving several hundred thousand people planet-wide, a Sorcery War (and a set of legal … Read more

December 2021 Solstice Reflections

Once one is strongly Source Aware and attuned to the astral planes, one can return to Source and see a clear reality of a future reincarnation as a higher-dimensional being (free of a physical body) in another ET Planet aligned with one’s origins or ET Star Being group beyond the realms of karma. Simultaneously one … Read more

Understanding Philosophical Integration

Reflect deeply on the benefits of a strong and healthy consciously aware life, on Earth, being fully incarnated in one’s astral energy, grounded, integrated, embodied with Eternal Love from Source. Many that use my work to varying degrees can reflect upon the importance of fully incarnating on Earth, experiencing one’s positive karma also. living in … Read more

Twin Flame Journey Reflections

Sometimes Eternal Love can enter the heart of the Spiritual Master and offer someone a boat. People have always a personal choice to use free will to oppose Eternal Love (the boat) and with free will to fall from the path comes consequences, energy struggles, Twin Flame power wars and karma catastrophes that the boat … Read more

How to Manifest an Amazing Life in Alignment with your Soul Purpose

Understanding the Law of Attraction will enable you to create the life that you want that is in alignment with your highest vision and potential. The Law of Attraction is a set of understandings with regard to how reality becomes manifest. There is not one secret or mantra that will magically give you everything you want … Read more

Liberation from a Predestined Soul Agreement – Freedom from Karma

There are no words that can fully summarize what I went through in my awareness and experience with my Twin Flame before I was released (excused) from what I saw as a predestined soul-agreement (a very rare scenario) and then I was energy rammed into the Galactic Central Suns in a one-up/one-down Twin Flame diverging … Read more

Twin Flames and Eternal Love – Integration of the Lessons

I made a choice in my own heart in the longer term to remember only the good about my Twin Flame, for in many ways she is a beautiful soul and the many journeys in the astral opened me up in many profound ways. It is the truth that even though all the bad energy … Read more

Astral Spheres, Restitution and Spiritual Peace

I write this after the experience of an extreme astral-energy war which was to recapitulate various white stones of Good Karmic Merit and one Astral Energy Sphere. The end result was a very deep and sublime grounding in peace after being restituted in the astral planes by a descending Twin in karmic descent. Once I … Read more

Brahmachariya and Spiritual Mastery

Brahmachariya is the practice of the retention and transmutation of sexual energies for the enhancement of physical and spiritual well-being, as well as an act of a deeper act of honouring the Love of Source in physical form. Brahmachariya translates as ‘the way to the Godhead or Atman / the way to the Divine’. It is well … Read more

The Central Galactic Sun and Pranic Sustenance

The Central Galactic Sun is a vast hyper-dimensional blue star existing at the centre of the Galaxy and is a gateway for an otherworldly energy that originates beyond ordinary reality and space-time.  Every year in December our own Sun crosses the Galactic Plane and aligns with the constellation of Sagittarius with the strongest alignment happening … Read more