The Complete Life Work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit consists of the entirety of his teachings. The package includes 6 rare author signed works, including Keys to Immortality and his Voyager Masterpiece, 121 Private Discourses, many large, complex and unique geometric Merkabah Artworks as well as Spiritual Mentoring for 1 Year
The essence of the message that Spiritual Master Free Spirit received from his Star Beings is that it is possible to be spared witnessing the collapse of the human race by way of a deep understanding about the nature of awareness.
His unique books and discourses share what happened to Spiritual Master Free Spirit over the years as a result of ongoing experiences with Higher Dimensional Immortal ET’s and when studied/read in sequence, show an evolution and refinement in understanding as well as in self-worth and respect for awareness, reflected in the cost of his work.
His work is a very rare and refined work of spiritual understanding and is suited to advanced souls on Earth retired from the 3D Matrix who respect its extreme transformational value and who want to learn from Spiritual Master Free Spirit’s Life Experience.
Those who invest in his work will also understand deeply the story of humanity not being able to have access to these books at mainstream rates, why that is, and how Free Spirit realized his spiritual gifts and wisdom was worth far more than what many can pay, ultimately leading him to put a very high price tag on his work, and to ascend out of the karma of the human race.
His work will take a lifetime to assimilate and integrate into one’s awareness, and his books, teachings, and him as a Mentor is an opportunity to learn deeply from the experience of his life – including the 2012-2017 timeline shift he experienced from 3D into 5D, and his karmic and spiritual ascent out of the karma of the human race, how his understanding of reality changed and evolved over time, and how becoming a High-Fee Spiritual Mentor purified him of light-worker and legal persecution karma that he became victorious over as a result of learning his lessons. His work is suited to those aligned to not taking rebirth in the human race.
From 2009 to the present day he had many mystical experiences in the Upper Astral Worlds with Loving ET’s who taught him many things about the nature of awareness – all that happened to him was channelled into the creation of his Life Work which contain many insights, lessons and teachings for advanced souls on the Path of Physical Ascension or Spiritual Mastery.
The main theme of his work is transcending the karma of biosphere collapse by consecrating awareness and understanding the nature of karma and the human condition as well as entering into relationship with Loving ET’s (Star Beings) from Higher Dimensions. These Beings can show one the secrets of the Universe and the meaning of life from a larger perspective.
His work emanates from a loving plane of existence far beyond the human world and speaks of transcendence, immortality, spiritual evolution and a deeper understanding of the Universe – and how we are not alone in the Universe. His Life Work shares many personal experiences he had with his Star Beings and how to work with Star Being Love and Wisdom in one’s human incarnation on Earth.
Book 1 – Meeting The Star Beings (2010)
Wise and loving ET Intelligences from other dimensions of reality come to awaken humanity to a new consciousness based on love, spiritual understanding, peace and global harmony.
They invite us to move beyond our fears and our conventional belief systems. If we have the courage to do so, we are rewarded with deep and lasting healing, freedom from suffering and glimpses into previously unseen dimensions of existence that promise Immortality and the transcendence of the human condition.
Free Spirit shares his account of contact with Immortal ET Star Beings and gives some insights into the profound unconditional love that these beings offer to humanity now in this time of global uncertainty and environmental degradation.
He also explains how through healing our fears, detoxifying our bodies and resolving our past mistakes we can begin preparation for an ascension out of the human condition into higher cosmic realms of pure love and light.
Book 2 – Love on the Shores of a Distant World (2011)
Free Spirit shares his experience of being deeply loved by Galactic Star Beings. Embraced by love on shores of distant worlds, his life has been remarkably transformed by his ongoing contact with these very advanced, wise and loving Beings.
This book is his second work and is inspired by the deepening relationship of love that he has with them.
Free Spirit illuminates the reader into the deeper mysteries of multi-dimensional reality and writes on the nature of the profound love that the Star Beings can bring to the open and fearless heart.
His writings on all aspects of healing and spiritual understanding delve into matters of cosmology, the nature of reality, pineal detoxification, transmuting fears, relationship healing and also the possibility of humans becoming immortal.
Free Spirit also shares his profound, far reaching journeys into the astral worlds, the Galactic Center and beyond the Milky Way Galaxy – to the end of the known Universe – giving glimpses into what lies beyond.
In Love on the Shores of a Distant World, Free Spirit also explains how karma works, how Source Love and the awareness of loving ET’s can heal the human heart of pain, suffering and fear, and he also writes about forgiveness.
He shares his understanding about why he came to Earth and the nature of the worlds where he came from, before incarnating on Earth.
This book also contains channelled wisdom from Star Beings in relation to ascension, and he also explains about the matter of the collapse of humanity, and how that is an outer manifestation, of separation from love.
Love on the Shores of a Distant World was written in 2011, in Sedona, Arizona, and Harbin Springs – California.
Book 3 – Keys to Immortality (2012)
Keys to Immortality contains more advanced astral understanding, and Free Spirit explains how death is a condition that can be transcended by understanding the causes of death, becoming karma free and developing astral awareness in the body.

Free Spirit is a Visitor to this dimension from the Immortal Worlds of Source and his awareness of his origins showed him the possibility of becoming an immortal, albeit a difficult undertaking, and is the result of extreme karmic purification to the Mastery Level.
In this book – his third work, he shares profound multi-dimensional spiritual wisdom that has been imparted to him through a deep and profound ongoing loving relationship with Intergalactic Star Beings.
He was able to astral travel across the Universe, to other galaxies, other planes of being, and receive deep healings from Star Beings, ascended ET’s, existing in worlds beyond death.
He writes of the Earth Cleansing and the imminent Karmic Crisis as our planet becomes re-aligned to the Galactic Central Sun and undergoes a cleansing cycle.
This book is a call for Souls to urgently prepare to leave this dimension – so as to avoid catastrophe and death, and he shares his visions of the collapse of humanity, and how he integrated that into his awareness, and why civilizations experience collapse, and how some people can ascend by working with the mirror of death.
Keys to Immortality is a strong and concentrated spiritual work, apt to trigger extreme realizations, karmic purifications as well as a deeper awareness of Transcendental Reality.
Written in Germany (2012). Print Cover has changed since.
Book 4 – 101 Secrets to an Amazing and Abundant Life (2014)
101 Secrets To An Amazing and Abundant Life is a Law of Attraction book written from the perspective of a Life Coach and Spiritual Master who has integrated the money/spirit duality prevalent within the collective consciousness of humanity.

This book is a definitive guide for those wishing to create their own reality in alignment with their own inner calling, and how to use the Law of Attraction in a clear manner.
This book dispenses with a lot of confusions, and presents the truth about the Law of Attraction, in 101 easy to understand segments.
Free Spirit shows the reader how to balance money abundance with everything else that is important in our lives so that we can live from a space of awareness, balance, truth, wisdom and integrity.
In this book he offers valuable insights and tools for creating abundance in your own life from a space of deeper awareness as well as how to stay empowered and connected on the journey of life.
Each section is a reminder to become more aware so that you can overcome the outer obstacles that get in the way.
This book shows the student how to balance spirituality and abundance, a difficult work to achieve, but possible – with serious work, effort and awareness, as well as with a commitment to self-development, healing energy dynamics that cause losses and ascending out of contractive thinking patterns.
He explains how awareness and money are related, and applying all the teachings in the book can make one a spiritual millionaire, if that is one’s path.
He also shares how to balance material wealth with awareness, so that one is not degraded, or loses spiritual awareness as a result.
Book 5 – The Life Story of Spiritual Master Free Spirit (2015)
The Life Story of Spiritual Master Free Spirit is a candid sharing of his transformative journey from the Path of the Light-Worker to the Path of the Master.
He shares how he incarnated here from another world and how he overcame the challenges of being incarnated into this karmic sphere of learning known as Earth.
He shares how he travelled the world in the name of love and healing for humanity and how ultimately he found a different path as a result of the extreme challenges that became manifest as a result.
His journey has taken him to many corners of the globe – from the Himalayas and the Andes – to Australia and the American Mid-West. As a result he came to a deeper understanding with regard to forgiveness, love, compassion and the Truth.
His sharing is a testament to the challenges that come with speaking the Truth in this reality and how ultimately that led him to the path of silence.
Free Spirit shares how karma works, how to stay out of the karmic amphitheatre and how to make serious spiritual progress in one’s life in order to become a non-returner to this 3D reality.
Becoming karma-immune is a rare concept, but he explains in this book how to give karma back that is not one’s own, but inherited from others, how to keep one’s awareness and energy field pure, and how to manage spiritual awareness in a body.
He also shares in detail some of his intense processes on the spiritual path, how he became a Spiritual Master, and how he overcome some very serious challenges in this life. Written in Portugal (2015).
Book 6 – The Voyager Masterpiece (2016)
Voyager offers a glimpse into spiritual reality as seen from the perspective of a Spiritual Master and is the product of many years of intensive spiritual purification.
In the presence of deeply loving Star Beings from Source, Free Spirit came to understand how the human race is in serious trouble and that it is only a matter of time before catastrophic climate change triggers a massive human die-off.
His ongoing relationship with Star Beings and the Source has revealed to Free Spirit that it is possible to leave a dying biosphere as a fully-realized Voyager and not have to bear witness to the collapse of human civilization.
Voyager contains some of the purest and most refined spiritual teachings available anywhere on Earth. It is also a candid, detailed and open sharing of Free Spirit’s experiences and journeys with Higher-Dimensional ET’s in the Upper Astral Worlds.
It illuminates the reader into how to work with the matter of biosphere collapse and what options there are for leaving Earth.
His work elaborates upon the nature of the Karmic Wheel, becoming a non-returner to 3D worlds, how Ascension works, how to sublimate the ego and how to activate all of the higher-dimensional astral bodies
Free Spirit shares how his relationship with the Star Beings and Source has become refined and purified in recent years – as well as how to integrate spiritual knowledge into the awareness of the body in order to ascend and be free from the karma of suffering and death.
Voyager is Spiritual Master Free Spirit’s most advanced esoteric work, a large 300 page book filled with a highly refined set of messages from the wisdom of Source aligned to those able to work with the matter of biosphere collapse so as to understand evolution beyond the mortal human condition and to ascend from earth-karma.
It is also one of the most expensive books on Earth, for reasons of the extreme value of refined spiritual awareness and is most suited for advanced souls with interests in rare esoteric works, or rare book collectors.
It is recommended to read the works sequentially (in the order listed) to understand the evolution of awareness and spiritual understanding in the Life of Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Merkabah Artworks
The Complete Life Work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit also consists of many large, rare and Merkabah Artworks made from the principles of dimensional and mathematical geometry, inspired by contact with his Star Beings from Higher Dimensional Worlds.
Those who invest in his Life Work will be able to build many of them (a large house will be required for 20-25 structures) in order to explore astral awareness, dreaming and meditation with the structures, other structures are shipped whole in large padded boxes.
These Merkabahs are very complex and align one to the Higher Intelligences within the Universe. They are an Advanced-Level Dreaming Technology designed to enhance dreaming awareness and the experience of astral travel.
When these designs are placed in the sleeping area, or suspended above the bed (with care!), or integrated into a meditation area, they act as conduits for Upper Astral energies that enhance one’s multi-dimensional awareness, trigger extreme dreaming processes and open up gateways for individuals to travel into the astral.
Free Spirit’s contact with Star Beings in the Upper Astral, inspired the designs.
Advanced dreamers and meditators will find these structures can facilitate nocturnal OOBE’s (Out of Body Experiences) that can include journeying to other worlds and planes beyond the Earth – for those vibrationally aligned to this kind of inter-dimensional travel.
These Merkabahs are suited for well grounded highly evolved souls who know they can physically ascend at the end of this 26,000 year cycle, who will thus have experience in lucid dreaming and journeying into the astral worlds – who can handle having 20, 30 or even 50 dreams in one night.
The intensity of dreaming is triggered by the geometric energies of the Merkabahs which enable the dreamer to access multiple layers of dreaming that exist on other temporal (time) frequencies..
The Merkabahs were inspired by contact with Intergalactic Beings from the Higher Astral Worlds of Source after having travelled through the Galactic Central Sun in the astral body. The Beings spoke to Free Spirit deeply and explained to him how to make the structures to channel in the energies of the Galactic Central Sun and Source.
In his many journeys he travelled to Higher Dimensional ET-Worlds and experienced the Universe, receiving many downloads from Loving ET’s that translated into spiritual understanding, transcendent experiences and healing on Earth.
Free Spirit’s experience of creating these Merkabahs triggered major astral journeys into far out regions of the dream-time where he had the experience of contact with loving ET’s who gave him much wisdom in relation to the nature of reality, the Universe and the future of life above and beyond the human condition.
121 Private Video Discourses (Membership Area)
Spiritual Master Free Spirit also presented 121 Private Video Discourses to his students over the years, on many topics related to spiritual awareness including astral awareness, dreaming, forgiveness, karmic healing, meditation, multi-dimensional reality as well as how to work with the love of ET’s and the matter of the collapse.

Students of Free Spirit’s complete life-work will also be given access to all of these 121 Private Video Discourses to work with alongside their study of his 6 literary works.
Students will need a lifetime to properly integrate, reflect upon and integrate the material into their lives and thus his work should be considered a lifetime investment in one’s spiritual evolution.
His work is suited for Matrix-Retired advanced level students, who are well grounded on Earth, and who are interested in understanding how the love of ET’s and a strong connection to the Upper Astral Worlds has transformed the awareness of Spiritual Master Free Spirit beyond measure and who respect the value of such wisdom.
His work is also suited for those who feel the New Age philosophies do not offer a strong and clear truth and for those who sense they are at the end, or close to the end, of their spiritual journey through the reincarnational cycle – who understand intuitively the matter of impending biosphere collapse.
His work is a product of many years of profoundly transformational experiences with loving Star Beings from other worlds and is suited to those who believe in the existence of Higher Dimensional ET’s and are aligned to a Physical Ascension in this life.
His work speaks of a love from Higher Worlds that acts as a gateway beyond the human condition.
The Teachings of Spiritual Master Free Spirit (in discourse and literary form) are suited for those who are well grounded in the Earthly, who are grounded in truth and integrity, interested in the experiences that he had in the Higher Planes and in his Life, and who respect the value of his awareness and the teachings – reflected in the cost of his work.
Students will need their whole lives remaining on Earth to assimilate and integrate the material.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit’s 6 author-signed rare literary works including The Voyager Masterpiece (Mint Condition Author Signed Collectors Items*) and the 121 Discourses constitutes his Complete Life Work and Teachings.
They serve as a deep, unique and personal sharing of his many experiences in the astral worlds with loving ET’s, and how a 10 year+ experience with such beings changed his outlook and Earthly Life.
* Keys to Immortality and Voyager are Hardbacks.
His Life Work is most suited for those well-extracted from Earthly karma, established in plant based diets, retired from the Matrix, healthy in body, heart, mind and spirit – and with few (or no) energy cords to the karmic worlds, who are called by their Source to study and work with the advanced level teachings of the Spiritual Master.
1 Year of Online Spiritual Mentoring
The Life Work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit also includes access to him for 1 Year of Spiritual Mentoring – by way of Video Conferencing Calls (via Skype, Zoom or similar) for those wishing to share their spiritual journey in great depth and benefit from the wisdom of the Spiritual Master and able to invest the necessary merit exchange in the mentoring arrangement.
The Calls are also useful to facilitate the discussion of the most challenging, serious, life-changing, important spiritual and/or earthly matters. The expertise of the Spiritual Master is most suited for those working on areas such as winning big disputes, those with spiritual entrepreneurial endeavours, big life changes and those wanting to extract from complex karma stories.
Investment – £1 million
+20% VAT
Contact Spiritual Master Free Spirit
Over 7 years ago, I began reading Free Spirit’s books, listening to his guided meditations, and watching his discourses on nearly a daily basis. Since I received his teachings, I feel that I have made incredible progress on my journey as a human being. I now feel love in ways that I have never felt before. I have had experiences of truth and wisdom that I never thought were possible. I have healed relationships with my family, with myself, and have grown closer to loved ones more than I ever have experienced in my life. I have learned to accept, to forgive, to love, and to heal.
Additionally his teachings have helped me to acknowledge and work on healing addictions to alcohol and other unhealthy lifestyle habits. These things can only be achieved if you really want them for yourself, but without the help of Free Spirit who knows how long these understandings would have taken me.
During my time reading, watching, understanding, and integrating, I have had many back and forth communications with Free Spirit. Every direct communication with him has been respectful, polite, considerate, genuine and honest. He gives me a sense of comfort as he explains the processes of life and spirituality, and I always feel encouraged by his words.
If it weren’t for Free Spirit’s guidance, I feel that I would still be hung up on some fear based conspiracy theory or sitting in a bar wasting my money on alcohol. I would not have had the courage to work through healing the deepest traumas of my life, and I would not have achieved the deeper understanding of Life and Love as I now have. There is still more learning ahead for me, so I am forever grateful to have Free Spirit’s teachings to guide me along the way. I truly believe that he is a man of pure integrity. In my eyes his practices have been nothing but ethical and in the spirit of highest Love. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it were not for him.
Kyle Steinle (2022), USA
The Life Work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit will find its way to those of the right vibrational frequency and purity in the most synchronistic of manner, in this unique timeline of our 3D physical incarnation in Earthbound reality. If you are here reading these words, and they resonate – this offering is for you.
This work serves as a very specific, detailed instruction manual – to deprogram a lifetime(s) worth of conditioning of the mind, body, ego complex – off the Karmic Wheel of Gaia at this vantage point in linear time. The wisdom is crafted in such a unique manner & the contents immaculately detailed in such a way to offer the reader powerful multi-layered, interdimensional awakenings & realisations to our true nature as beings of source.

The words themselves are not the only lessons the reader can expect – they are the keys, the blueprints & foundations to be sequentially unlocked within the readers mind. The subtle & hidden access codes to break down the human conditioning.
The words are constructed in such a manner that regardless of the readers individuality, nature & perception of existence shaped by interactions & experiences of this lifetime(s) – discreet seeds of subtle awakening are planted in the thoughts, indexed memories & archived experiences subconsciously catalogued in the readers mind.
The work is substantial and powerful. It will take many months, even years to initially work through – and the wisdom contained within will be integrated (both consciously & subconsciously) over the succeeding period of the readers life. The reader will undergo and experience incredible transformation, learning to access higher spheres of awareness through the pineal gateway (previously unknown & inaccessible). The reader will find that this work will break down the subtlest conditions of the mind. It will bring to the surface awareness of complex subtle areas of belief, conditioning & energetic vibration – which can be later realised as limitations holding one back. It will give the reader the tools to correctly address and process emotional baggage & traumas, past & present life karma, instructing the reader how to conduct oneself in the highest manner, impeccability and many other esoteric wisdoms.
It will reveal the misleading nature of thought. In the end the reader will learn how to renounce the ego mind, after first understanding its complexity (at the most subtle energetic & vibrational level) and the many means of deception the mind has played against humanity during this age.
I have not come across this immense depth of wisdom teachings from any other source.
We are at a unique crossroad in the sphere of 3D incarnation on Gaia during these last moments of linear time. The end of an era of enslavement. Spiritual Master Free Spirits life work will prepare the reader for a new outlook on Humanity and Mother Earth, by contemplating, biosphere collapse, rapid environmental changes, collapse of the system – allowing the reader to process and work through any shock or associated fear with such extinction level events.
Voyager – A Gateway to the Stars – will prepare the reader with the understanding to realise the very nature of Ascension in this cycle. It will provide an understanding of the readers own unique ascension pathway – and describe how to leave planet Earth, with or without the need of a body. By the time that the reader is working with the Voyager Masterpiece, much of the learnings and wisdom will be coming from within. The Voyager Masterpiece serves as a means to allow the reader to unlock access to their own ascension wisdom from within.
What if everything you thought you ever knew about being a human being was wrong? Shrouded and tainted by misleading false truths for your entire lifetime(s) & unknowingly reinforced by others surrounding you, part the system that by its very design is in place to keep humanity from awakening to this reality.
For some it is too confronting to look behind the veil. For others that is what we are here to do.
This life was chosen for a reason; for some perhaps it has been a long journey throughout the reincarnation cycle to experience and learn the many lessons of duality. For others perhaps it is only a single incarnation, here to observe and bear witness to the great Ascension and liberation of Mother Earth. And for those who heed the calling, perhaps it is more than that – perhaps this incarnation was chosen for a very specific reason by you, and known only to you… to play a key role in this grand cosmic event.
Gaia needs our help. There is important work to be done before this Ascension cycle will complete.
Free Spirits life work will give you the keys to hidden chambers of perception & unlock access to the eternal wisdom which lies within you. This work serves only as a method to access that doorway and it is you who must walk through that doorway.
There is a reason you are here now reading these words, what comes next is up to you…
Mark – Australia
I always had a strong interest in ET matters, death, and what lies on the other side of it. It was during further researching esoteric knowledge and practices so as to advance into higher realms that i came across Free Spirit in 2015.
Throughout the path i also had dreams of mass flooding and apocalypse scenarios with fires ravaging the surrounding and portals from ET’s opening leading to salvation. I can attest that the ET energy/theme, matters of death and transcendence, other worlds and the collapse of this world seem to have been driving forces in my life that have led to the exploration of things which have catalyzed deep healing in my life.
Im very grateful to have had our paths cross, and to have been a match to it and the work, i do feel very fortunate indeed and have immense gratitude for everything you’ve done with the work and facilitated, our deepest thank you Free.
It has all been very reaffirming to all of my deepest wishes for deep truth and knowledge and knowing that its indeed for me, and im forever grateful to creation for the journey and all its blessed us with.
Matthew, USA
The healing and understanding I have been able to facilitate in my life through Spiritual Master Free Spirit’s work over the last several years is incredible. I do not have extensive knowledge about the many spiritual teachers of today and their respective teachings, however in my opinion Free Spirit has been the most grounded and ethically responsible teacher that I have worked with. His teachings come from a very sacred perspective and certainly represent a high quality of character as well as a high respect for all life and the underlying principles that govern that life.
Nicholas, USA
Free Spirit has helped to guide me along my realized life path and has kept me focused on my direction.
I began reading Free Spirit’s books, listening to his guided meditations, and watching his discourses on nearly a daily basis. It has been nearly 5 years since I received his teachings, and I feel that I have made incredible progress on my journey as a human being. I now feel love in ways that I have never felt before. I have had experiences of truth and wisdom that I never thought were possible. I have healed relationships with my family, with myself, and have grown closer to loved ones more than I ever have experienced in my life.
I have learned to accept, to forgive, to love, and to heal. Additionally his teachings have helped me to overcome additions to alcohol and other unhealthy lifestyle habits. These things can only be achieved if you really want them for yourself, but without the help of Free Spirit who knows how long these understandings would have taken me.
Kylie (2016), USA