Spiritual Master Free Spirit shares how his relationship with the Star Beings and Source has become refined and purified in recent years – as well as how to integrate spiritual knowledge into the awareness of the body in order to ascend and be free from the karma of suffering and death.
He understood that the love of these ET’s was the key to a Physical Ascension, and how higher dimensional ET love can enable an Ascension once one has integrated Astral Reality into the Physical Reality. It is the truth that there are Higher Worlds and Higher Beings, those attuned to such truths and aligned to the Physical Ascension Path, can perceive them, work with their teachings, their love and ultimately integrate it all into Earthly Life.
Voyager is an Advanced Level Masterpiece for those who can handle strong truths and who are ready to purify themselves in the presence of Source and who are interested in the experiences that Spiritual Master Free Spirit had in the Higher Astral Planes with Loving ET’s and in his Earthly Life.
Extract from the Introduction
Voyager Extracts - Hyperdimensional Time Travel and Loving ET's
In the end, our awareness will return back to the Universal Mind.
The only variable is the meandering journey it will take throughout the many dimensional layers of the Universe. From our linear perspective, this process may take several million years or more – or even aeons of reincarnations spread across mind-boggling amounts of Earth time and billions of unique Galaxies Universe-wide.
However, in the end – it must return to itself, because that is from where it came. Any dimension, any dreamed sphere or higher-dimensional world – are still thought-forms of the Universal Mind.
All reincarnations are dreams of the Universal Mind witnessed by an individualized awareness.
For as long as one is incarnated in any of those places, one is still on the journey back to the Universal Mind.
Those with sufficient energy can create a temporal wormhole and temporarily project their awareness millions of years into the future – into a future life, in order to meet themselves there.

One may then have a vision or a dream of an incredible advanced world – a different planet orbiting a different star or set of stars (systems with multiple suns), populated by alien beings millions of years ahead of us in evolutionary terms.
I found my awareness floating just above the corona of a hyper-massive blue star at the centre of the Galaxy (the Central Galactic Sun)”. From this celestial body came renewal, knowledge, awareness, intelligence, wisdom and a deeper understanding of my place in the Universe. It was a star so large that the full circumference was not perceivable. In terms of size, this star is billions of times bigger than our own Sun.
It was not just a star, but a portal of intense cosmic intelligence of almost unfathomable magnitude.
In reality, we all come from some Sun or another as all souls enter this galaxy via the Central Sun. I perceived an increase of velocity and was then propelled directly toward the core of the Central Sun – entering a gap between the spinning rings and entering into a deep silver-violet energy which would dissolve into rainbow streams of energy containing colours not known to the human eye.
Then there was blankness, a Void, an all knowing Void, a Void that had existed forever and without beginning. It was the Primal Void, undifferentiated, without form or size, without concept, without thought, yet all-pervading and present. There was only the Void and nothing other than the Void.
The awareness of my life on Earth was but a distant memory, like a faded dream.
I was enveloped in a great sense of love, knowing and reunion with the Source of All Things.
There was a complete understanding, nothing left to search for, nothing left to understand – for all that needed to be understood was present as an energy of enduring and indelible Truth…

Any awareness perceiving the Universe from within linear time will see time running very slowly and thus it has the experience of being incarnated onto a vast linear time stream stretching billions of years into the unfathomable future. However, if one accelerates the energy within one’s being, one’s awareness can perceive time in a more expanded manner. One’s awareness can extend beyond the boundaries of this incarnation and find itself ‘visiting’ a future lifetime on some distant world far into the future.
An ability to time-travel with one’s awareness has the power to dissolve linear time and activate Voyager Consciousness, one’s Star Body or similar. In dreams one will visit these future lives more often. This will expand awareness here – which will enable one to perceive other realities operating on different temporal frequencies, useful for those on Voyager Paths. The idea of this life as the only experience in the present is then replaced with the awareness of finding oneself at an intersection of Universal energy-ribbons.
These ribbons contain the awareness of other worlds beyond the Earth, in different dimensions of space and time.
These ribbons of awareness intersect our awareness here and one suddenly reawakens to the lost awareness of being multi-dimensional.
The truth is that we are in multiple ribbons of reality at once. An awareness that descends into the frequency of linear time becomes fragmented and spread across many parallel realities, with the interconnecting links of awareness disappearing from our awareness.
The ultimate aim of this kind of dreaming/journeying practice is to journey into enough bands in order to be able to totally collapse the illusion of linear time and thus dissolve one’s attachment to the Karmic Wheel.
One takes one’s awareness far into the other realms in order to illuminate them in order that the unknown becomes the known and that the illusions of past and future collapse into the transcendent awareness of a Universal Mind fully aware of itself in the Now in the experience of a body.
One can then see the whole Wheel from outside of it, the whole of existence spread across billions of years becomes perceivable as one vast cosmic super-ribbon consisting of millions of constituent parts. From this perspective, one is seeing directly into the awareness of the Universal Mind that has the power to integrate the awareness’s of many different realities into one vast coherent stream of super-awareness.

One may perceive this as a vast kaleidoscope of realities intersecting one supermassive central hub. I sometimes call this the ‘Central Galactic Sun’. Some may label it the Heart of God, Hunab Ku (The God of the Galactic Centre), the Supreme Source or the Dreamer of All Dreams.
Depending on the flavour of our mystical experiences, sometimes we may perceive it as a deity, as loving ET’s, or as a highly advanced technological intelligence – or as an awareness of being a super-conscious intergalactic time-travelling alien being seeing the Universe from outside.
It is not unusual at this stage to move at high speed through vast galactic superstrands containing billions of galaxies and a mind boggling amount of star systems.
Every life you ever had as an alien on another planet may flash before your inner eye at incredible speed.
If the inner experience is intense and supported by enough accumulated energy – one’s awareness can expand out of the entire Universe itself which can appear to expand out of – and rotate around – some vast central pillar of energy. One becomes one with what is the reality of the Universal Mind.
One has travelled as far as one can travel to the point where one sees the Root Manifestation of Universal Singularity. There is nowhere more to go as one is everywhere in that transcendent moment.
The Wheel is no longer a part of one’s awareness. The Universe itself can appear to recede away from awareness and the world of forms and the world of dreams is transcended. Reality itself is transcended, to leave a strong awareness of a matterless, dream-less, all-knowing Super-Universal intelligence that preceded the Big Bang. One will then understand how the Big Bang started. The Universe formed in the awareness of a Super-Universal Intelligence – and one IS that same Intelligence. One is IT.
There is no other reality than IT at the level of the Absolute. Anything other than IT is a transient dream, a passing stream of thoughts – the result of IT (the Universal Mind) dreaming. If one has an awareness of that IT and all other realities disappear in the awareness of IT, if the awareness of IT remains – one must conclude one is IT and any other idea of what one was, was just that – an idea.
That IT is awareness and the Universe evolves in one’s awareness of IT which IS the ultimate reality of the Universe. Outside of time awareness, one discovers that the Universal Mind is simply dreaming the Universe. There is no Universe outside of the dream of it.
The Universe and one’s awareness of it are one and the same reality. It is a reflection of one’s awareness.
If awareness is one’s true nature and one is aware of the Universe existing inside of awareness – then the Universe is an extension of our own nature and not some exterior and separate reality.
Given a sufficient vibratory boost, one’s awareness can expand to encompass all dreams, all realities, all forms of awareness. One may perceive many layers of reality like many concentric shells around a Central Point.
Each layer is a dream, a lifetime, an awareness of a particular part of the Universe, or the awareness of benevolent and loving aliens from the future (who are in reality aspects of one’s own future self).
This reality is then seen as a very thin and superficial layer indeed – like one small ring of a very large tree, except in the case of reality, the number of reality configurations (shells) are to all intents and purposes infinite.
“From this perspective on reality, I was not human anymore. There was the awareness of a vast ‘Space Body” of unfathomable complexity. I was at one with the Stars. Many star systems were perceived as existing inside the body. My awareness had expanded to the point of encompassing half of the Galaxy.
There were many ribbons of alien awareness intersecting it. There were immense arrays of hexagonal honeycomb structures within my consciousness. They consisted of many intricate inner chambers.
Each one was a doorway into another reality in which I was alive in a body on an alien world. There were thousands, if not millions of them. Each chamber was like a unique cell which supported an entire manifestation of reality. It was like the entrance to a wormhole. One’s awareness could tunnel through the wormhole and emerge into some distant solar system.
On some worlds I was part of an advanced alien collective of Ascended Beings.
Other worlds supported physical incarnations. I was incarnated here, there and everywhere throughout the Universe. It was possible to peer in and ‘observe’ remotely. All of these realities were operating simultaneously in some vast honeycomb structure pulsating with rainbow energies.
These energies appeared to sustain the individual realities. I was an overseer of it all, I had stepped out of all of my lives, I came back into the awareness of the Universal part of me that holds such an immense magnitude of incarnational experience. I was out of all of it, beyond any kind of incarnated form.
I was an energy embedded within the structure of the Galaxy itself and all my lives were running concurrently in various locations throughout it.
I was a different and expanded awareness..
The inner higher-dimensional stellar bodies are key to dimensional journeying and any Physical Ascension Process once the energies are integrated in the body.
These higher-dimensional realities vastly expand perception of reality as when activated, reality is perceived in a profoundly intricate way. This extra-dimensional perception of the Universe is comprised of a vast array of different astral and trans-astral planes populated by many kinds of higher-dimensional immortal alien beings/ascended hominids and other forms of non-corporeal life-forms where ascending humans go once they leave Earth.
Those who are Source Realized and familiar with Ultimate Reality of The Void, Transcendental ET Love and the Upper Astral Worlds can leave the human condition (whether via death or ascension) – The Voyager Path – and become Ascended Masters or Star Beings if their karma is totally purified in the awareness of Source.
To become Source Realized is to live in the full awareness of the ever-present timeless Source and ultimately to return to it completely, dispensing with the necessity of having a body, for a body is simply a karmic vehicle.
Once the karma is gone and the Earthly lessons integrated, there is no longer any cause for reincarnating in the mortal worlds.
Voyagers are the most ethically pure beings on the planet and thus have the ability to see into ordinarily invisible or unknown realities. They can also develop the ability to astral travel to ET worlds in dreams, meditation or shamanic journeys and to receive teachings from Ascended Beings by way of refined karmic merit – showing up as enhanced awareness and an open channel to Star Being Wisdom integrated into the Earthly Body.
Ethical purification is mandatory on the Master Path or the Path of Ascension, regardless of what one’s ego may think otherwise for otherwise one cannot discern the reality beyond the human condition.
Source is a very strong energy and to live from its benevolence requires much karmic purification, far more than many people will have undergone. It is also important to understand that Physical Ascension only becomes a viable reality at the very end of the reincarnational process of a soul.
The work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit is suited to advanced and evolved souls who understand they are at the end of their journey through karmic reality and who are called to the Path of Physical Ascension.
VOYAGER is also an inclusive part of The Life Work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit which includes
ONLINE SPIRITUAL MENTORING FOR 1 YEAR The Life Work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit also includes access to him for 1 Year of Spiritual Mentoring by way of Video Conferencing Calls (via Google Meet, Skype, Zoom or similar) for those wishing to share their spiritual journey in great depth and benefit from the wisdom of the Spiritual Master and able to invest the necessary merit exchange in the mentoring arrangement.
The Calls are also useful to facilitate the discussion of the most challenging, serious, life-changing, important spiritual and/or earthly matters. The expertise of the Spiritual Master is most suited for those working on areas such as winning big disputes, those with spiritual entrepreneurial endeavours, big life changes and those wanting to extract from complex karma stories.
Investment – £1 million
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Include also a brief outline of the areas you wish to work on, and you will be sent a Calendly link to schedule a Paid 2 Hour Video Discovery Call with him.
Contact Spiritual Master Free Spirit
Testimonials for The VOYAGER Masterpiece
I always had a strong interest in ET matters, death, and what lies on the other side of it. It was during further researching esoteric knowledge and practices so as to advance into higher realms that i came across Free Spirit in 2015.
Throughout the path i also had dreams of mass flooding and apocalypse scenarios with fires ravaging the surrounding and portals from ET’s opening leading to salvation. I can attest that the ET energy/theme, matters of death/transcendence, other worlds and the collapse of this world seem to have been driving forces in my life that have led to the exploration of things which have catalyzed deep healing in my life.
Im very grateful to have had our paths cross, and to have been a match to it and the work, i do feel very fortunate indeed and have immense gratitude for everything you’ve done with the work and facilitated, our deepest thank you Free.
It has all been very reaffirming to all of my deepest wishes for deep truth and knowledge and knowing that its indeed for me, and im forever grateful to creation for the journey and all its blessed us with.
Matthew, USA
“Voyager – A Gateway to the Stars” by Spiritual Master Free Spirit is an extraordinary book. It explores in detail the philosophical aspects of spirituality, offering a fascinating, unconventional perspective on how we, as humans, experience the world, why we are here and what we are doing here.
What I love most about “Voyager” is its practical approach: Far from being “only” an interesting read for people interested in philosophy and spirituality, it offers insights and tools for the hands-on kind of spiritual work a person must do in order to evolve and grow. For example, the book presents clear and simple instructions on how to access, perceive and release karmic blockages. I have worked with the chapter on karmic healing intensely and can, therefore, attest its effectiveness. “Voyager” is a guide to self-empowerment, self-realization and, ultimately, ascension – understood as the pinnacle of human evolution (the actual ascension of the physical body, not only a gradual moving up the vibrational levels).
I also am intrigued by the detailed description of the higher-vibrational worlds the book offers – very, very vivid and fascinating. I surely can recommend this work to everyone who is interested in a serious study of the spiritual realms and in doing the inner work it takes to access them, and, perhaps, even ascend.
Daniel Schmid, Switzerland
The Life Work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit will find its way to those of the right vibrational frequency and purity in the most synchronistic of manner, in this unique timeline of our 3D physical incarnation in Earthbound reality. If you are here reading these words, and they resonate – this offering is for you.
This work serves as a very specific, detailed instruction manual – to deprogram a lifetime(s) worth of conditioning of the mind, body, ego complex – off the Karmic Wheel of Gaia at this vantage point in linear time. The wisdom is crafted in such a unique manner & the contents immaculately detailed in such a way to offer the reader powerful multi-layered, interdimensional awakenings & realisations to our true nature as beings of source.
The words themselves are not the only lessons the reader can expect – they are the keys, the blueprints & foundations to be sequentially unlocked within the readers mind. The subtle & hidden access codes to break down the human conditioning. The words are constructed in such a manner that regardless of the readers individuality, nature & perception of existence shaped by interactions & experiences of this lifetime(s) – discreet seeds of subtle awakening are planted in the thoughts, indexed memories & archived experiences subconsciously catalogued in the readers mind.
The work is substantial and powerful. It will take many months, even years to initially work through – and the wisdom contained within will be integrated (both consciously & subconsciously) over the succeeding period of the readers life. The reader will undergo and experience incredible transformation, learning to access higher spheres of awareness through the pineal gateway (previously unknown & inaccessible). The reader will find that this work will break down the subtlest conditions of the mind. It will bring to the surface awareness of complex subtle areas of belief, conditioning & energetic vibration – which can be later realised as limitations holding one back. It will give the reader the tools to correctly address and process emotional baggage & traumas, past & present life karma, instructing the reader how to conduct oneself in the highest manner, impeccability and many other esoteric wisdoms.
It will reveal the misleading nature of thought. In the end the reader will learn how to renounce the ego mind, after first understanding its complexity (at the most subtle energetic & vibrational level) and the many means of deception the mind has played against humanity during this age.
I have not come across this immense depth of wisdom teachings from any other source.
We are at a unique crossroad in the sphere of 3D incarnation on Gaia during these last moments of linear time. The end of an era of enslavement. Spiritual Master Free Spirits life work will prepare the reader for a new outlook on Humanity and Mother Earth, by contemplating, biosphere collapse, rapid environmental changes, collapse of the system – allowing the reader to process and work through any shock or associated fear with such extinction level events.
Voyager – A Gateway to the Stars – will prepare the reader with the understanding to realise the very nature of Ascension in this cycle. It will provide an understanding of the readers own unique ascension pathway – and describe how to leave planet Earth, with or without the need of a body. By the time that the reader is working with the Voyager Masterpiece, much of the learnings and wisdom will be coming from within. The Voyager Masterpiece serves as a means to allow the reader to unlock access to their own ascension wisdom from within.
What if everything you thought you ever knew about being a human being was wrong? Shrouded and tainted by misleading false truths for your entire lifetime(s) & unknowingly reinforced by others surrounding you, part the system that by its very design is in place to keep humanity from awakening to this reality.
For some it is too confronting to look behind the veil. For others that is what we are here to do.
This life was chosen for a reason; for some perhaps it has been a long journey throughout the reincarnation cycle to experience and learn the many lessons of duality. For others perhaps it is only a single incarnation, here to observe and bear witness to the great Ascension and liberation of Mother Earth. And for those who heed the calling, perhaps it is more than that – perhaps this incarnation was chosen for a very specific reason by you, and known only to you… to play a key role in this grand cosmic event.
Gaia needs our help. There is important work to be done before this Ascension cycle will complete.
Free Spirits life work will give you the keys to hidden chambers of perception & unlock access to the eternal wisdom which lies within you. This work serves only as a method to access that doorway and it is you who must walk through that doorway.
There is a reason you are here now reading these words, what comes next is up to you…
Mark – Australia