Life Mastery, Spiritual Wellbeing and Abundance

Life Mastery can be summarized as all components of one’s Earth Life are Mastered. In the outer it will reflect itself as a state of balanced emotional and spiritual integration. All key areas of your life – work, relationships, health, abundance and your relationship with Spirit will all be working harmoniously and in sync with … Read more

Soul Ascension and Integration Experiences with Ayahuasca

Several years of intensive spiritual practice with Ayahuasca (between 2008-2010 and 2013-2016) resulted in a series of strong and powerful experiences with Loving Star Beings from within the Primordial Fires of the Central Galactic Suns. Following on from 2016, the years between 2017-2024 was (and still is) a work of a deeper grounding and integration … Read more

Perspectives on Wisdom for Starseeds

For many Starseeds being incarnated into the human race gives an unusual experience, for we are often deeply aware we are not of the Earth but yet find ourselves incarnated on the planet. Having an experience of the human world and the human race undoubtedly is a karmic learning spiritual experience that one has chosen … Read more

Spiritual Mastery and Transcending the Human Form

As Carlos Castenada wrote in his works, the purpose of Sorcery and understanding the otherwise ordinarily unknowable, is to be able to work with the energy of the Source of Awareness (aka the Eagles Emanations, The Force or the Central Galactic Suns Fire Energy) – and by doing so one can ultimately become free of … Read more

Santo Daime defeated in the European Court of Human Rights

To follow on from the Ascent Article (January 2022) – and to conclude the outcome of a very ill-conceived war of Santo Daime aggression and hostility toward me – resulting in continental level empire collapse (aka “race waste”), the Santo Daime Church organization has been DENIED Article 9 religious freedom rights (as foretold in 2018) and the … Read more

What I Learned on my Legal Journey

In a nutshell – to only sell my Life Work for a million and a Life Mentoring Arrangement for 2.5 million – and then as a result of realizing those lessons, to then become purified of the energy of malicious legal persecution and interference energies, by way of realizing what my blueprint and deeper lessons … Read more

Brahmachariya and Energy Mastery

Those who can be brahmachariya for long enough can experience a lot of upgrades to ones astral body and a bolstering of ones energy, along with a soul anchoring into the Central Galactic Suns. The fruits of a difficult practice when mastered manifests as soul union with Star Beings from within the fires of the … Read more

Awareness-Energy Mastery and Superabundance

Karmic Process taught me the lessons in respect for Awareness and the Energy of my work, not to degrade the Love or Wisdom of Star Beings. My Life Work is the result of many experiences with Higher Beings/ ET’s from other Worlds and what wisdom was imparted through 15 years of contact with them. By … Read more

December 2022 Solstice Reflections

Those attuned to the energy of the astral planes can see the Equinoxes and Solstices as Ascension Gateways to otherworldly or hyper-dimensional forces emanating from beyond the Earth Plane. The purpose of such energies is to enable one to transcend the human world of karma by way of integrating Source Fire Energy from the Central … Read more

Brahmachariya Mastery and the Karma Wheel

Those that master Brahmachariya (as in do at least several years of it and then maintain it) can then understand philosophically and through direct insight-experience what Ascension off the Karma Wheel actually is. Mastery of Brahmachariya (abstinence from sexual activities and the subsequent consecration of the retained sexual energies in favour of spiritual advancement) is … Read more

June 2022 Solstice Approach Reflections

Those that can work with the Source Fire Energy and be grounded in karma white stones can use the Solstices (and Equinoxes) to make conscious inter-dimensional journeys through the Astral Central Suns. More so if one is anchored in brahmachariya, drops the food intake and becomes clear of the energy of lower astral interferences (aka … Read more

Understanding Spiritual Ascension Cycles

There are repeating yearly Spiritual Ascension Cycles that can be utilized for creation, manifestation and spiritual work, that exist in alignment with the Earth seasons, equinoxes, solstices and the mid-points between them. Some may discover on deeper inquiry and through direct spiritual experience that there are 4 key points in the yearly cycle that combines … Read more