Perspectives on Wisdom for Starseeds

For many Starseeds being incarnated into the human race gives an unusual experience, for we are often deeply aware we are not of the Earth but yet find ourselves incarnated on the planet. Having an experience of the human world and the human race undoubtedly is a karmic learning spiritual experience that one has chosen … Read more

What I Learned on my Legal Journey

In a nutshell – to only sell my Life Work for a million and a Life Mentoring Arrangement for 2.5 million – and then as a result of realizing those lessons, to then become purified of the energy of malicious legal persecution and interference energies, by way of realizing what my blueprint and deeper lessons … Read more

Brahmachariya and Energy Mastery

Those who can be brahmachariya for long enough can experience a lot of upgrades to ones astral body and a bolstering of ones energy, along with a soul anchoring into the Central Galactic Suns. The fruits of a difficult practice when mastered manifests as soul union with Star Beings from within the fires of the … Read more