Life Mastery, Spiritual Wellbeing and Abundance

Life Mastery can be summarized as all components of one’s Earth Life are Mastered. In the outer it will reflect itself as a state of balanced emotional and spiritual integration. All key areas of your life – work, relationships, health, abundance and your relationship with Spirit will all be working harmoniously and in sync with … Read more

Soul Ascension and Integration Experiences with Ayahuasca

Several years of intensive spiritual practice with Ayahuasca (between 2008-2010 and 2013-2016) resulted in a series of strong and powerful experiences with Loving Star Beings from within the Primordial Fires of the Central Galactic Suns. Following on from 2016, the years between 2017-2024 was (and still is) a work of a deeper grounding and integration … Read more

Awareness-Energy Mastery and Superabundance

Karmic Process taught me the lessons in respect for Awareness and the Energy of my work, not to degrade the Love or Wisdom of Star Beings. My Life Work is the result of many experiences with Higher Beings/ ET’s from other Worlds and what wisdom was imparted through 15 years of contact with them. By … Read more

December 2022 Solstice Reflections

Those attuned to the energy of the astral planes can see the Equinoxes and Solstices as Ascension Gateways to otherworldly or hyper-dimensional forces emanating from beyond the Earth Plane. The purpose of such energies is to enable one to transcend the human world of karma by way of integrating Source Fire Energy from the Central … Read more

Astral Integration, Star Beings and Stellar Portals

Sometimes Starseeds or people on the Ascension Path can receive a lot of ET energy downloads, have visions, have unique astral experiences and then it is possible to experience a higher dimensional ET intelligence field in the astral planes which appears as the origin of such energy downloads. As said in December 2021, many people … Read more

Understanding Philosophical Integration

Reflect deeply on the benefits of a strong and healthy consciously aware life, on Earth, being fully incarnated in one’s astral energy, grounded, integrated, embodied with Eternal Love from Source. Many that use my work to varying degrees can reflect upon the importance of fully incarnating on Earth, experiencing one’s positive karma also. living in … Read more

Liberation from a Predestined Soul Agreement – Freedom from Karma

There are no words that can fully summarize what I went through in my awareness and experience with my Twin Flame before I was released (excused) from what I saw as a predestined soul-agreement (a very rare scenario) and then I was energy rammed into the Galactic Central Suns in a one-up/one-down Twin Flame diverging … Read more

The Illusion of the ‘I’ – Beyond the ‘I’ Idea

Upon reflection in meditation or other forms of introspective awareness, all forms (appearances within 3D) can be seen as ultimately sense impressions existing within awareness and thus they have no external reality of their own. One can understand that the body itself is a cluster of sense impressions existing inside awareness and thus is ultimately … Read more