Soul Ascension and Integration Experiences with Ayahuasca

Several years of intensive spiritual practice with Ayahuasca (between 2008-2010 and 2013-2016) resulted in a series of strong and powerful experiences with Loving Star Beings from within the Primordial Fires of the Central Galactic Suns. Following on from 2016, the years between 2017-2024 was (and still is) a work of a deeper grounding and integration … Read more

December 2022 Solstice Reflections

Those attuned to the energy of the astral planes can see the Equinoxes and Solstices as Ascension Gateways to otherworldly or hyper-dimensional forces emanating from beyond the Earth Plane. The purpose of such energies is to enable one to transcend the human world of karma by way of integrating Source Fire Energy from the Central … Read more