Pranic Living and Physical Ascension

Physical Ascension by its very nature implies the transmutation of the physical body into the Higher Realms, those serious about making such an ascension can attain much benefit by way of beginning to leave food behind. The ultimate aim is to be able to exist in the physical form, healthy, happy and well, with no … Read more

Ego Purification and Divine Grace

Perspectives on Ego Purification and the Descent of Divine Grace. Often, I have met people saying one day “I will get my Grace from Source” – it will be this way or that way, but the truth of the matter is that one’s personal self will have no say whatsoever in how the Grace is … Read more

Source Love and Transcending Karma

The truth is that the inherent nature of the Universe is inherently loving and some students may know this reality as Source but it can also be known as Divine Love, God, Universal Consciousness or similar. A deeper understanding of the truth that the Immutable Root Reality is of love is the answer to the … Read more

Asteroids, Megatsunamis and Prophetic Awareness

After many years of experiencing collapse-like visions in a deeper awareness of Source and also experiencing an increase in Prophetic Awareness (with many prophecies coming true), I have come to an understanding that a ELE (Extinction Level Event) is highly likely for the human race. The awareness of the collapse in concentrated Source Awareness takes … Read more

The Ayahuasca / Santo Daime Fire Catastrophe

Here are my comments and perspectives on the metaphysical factors behind The Ayahuasca Santo Daime Fire Catastrophe in Portugal – the intention is to provide some deeper teachings and understandings to those in the wider Ayahuasca Circles to understand what has happened, and to explain what the lessons are, as there are some relevant to … Read more

The Illusion of the ‘I’ – Beyond the ‘I’ Idea

Upon reflection in meditation or other forms of introspective awareness, all forms (appearances within 3D) can be seen as ultimately sense impressions existing within awareness and thus they have no external reality of their own. One can understand that the body itself is a cluster of sense impressions existing inside awareness and thus is ultimately … Read more

Beyond Psychedelics into Integrated Awareness

The truth is that psychedelic substances (both legal and illegal) are often touted as gateways to awareness or higher-consciousness and to an extent they can give glimpses of the Higher Reality. Such substances include Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Marijuana and other similar hallucinogens. It can be a useful path, but a path is only ever a … Read more

The Benefits (and Dangers) of Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is a shamanic medicine originating from the Amazon Rainforest. Ayahuasca has a powerful effect on one’s spiritual processes and can facilitate healing, awakening, understanding and the development of spiritual wisdom when used in conjunction with spiritual practice and a strong healthy life. Those who are strong enough to be able to handle the intensity … Read more

Twin Flames and Unconditional Love

The truth about the Twin Flame phenomenon is that it is a catalyst for the embodiment of Unconditional Love, which is a characteristic of the Love of Source (or God). Thus those on advanced spiritual paths, clear of the bulk of Earthly karma, can manifest their Twin Flame, either here or in the astral, so … Read more

The Truth about Twin Flames

The Truth about Twin Flames is that when one is at the end of the karmic cycle and has resolved all of one’s Earthly lessons and karmas (including those connected with conventional 3D human love), Twin Flame Love, by way of the appearance of one’s Twin Flame, will trigger a series of processes that ultimately, … Read more

Understanding the Root Causes of Suffering

Suffering is almost universal in this dimension – save for the most fortunate beings. However even the most fortunate cannot be totally sure that things will remain that way as we live in a shared reality sphere and the karma of others can be a problem if you happen to be in the wrong place … Read more