Fasting can be a powerful way to deepen one’s relationship with Source and the Higher Power, those who take up fasting as a lifestyle choice can also, become a lot healthier, have a lot more mystical and visionary experiences and inner journeys (no ayahuasca necessary) and attain some deeper states of spiritual consciousness that may otherwise elude one.
The spiritual fruits of fasting also include the opening of the inner doorways to Ascended Realms, the experience of a deeper divinity within, the brightening of one’s own Inner Light and historically, fasting has also been used by various mystics as a pathway to the Divine Consciousness/Higher Power and even Ascension itself.
Personally, I was called to the path of deeper fasting after several years of being integrated with brahmachariya (sexual abstention and retention), for Ascension or not taking rebirth, to me, it seems transmuting the sexual force in brahmachariya and a degree of fasting are both necessary practices. If one is to work on both practices in the context of attaining Spiritual Mastery, focussing on and mastering one at a time may be more manageable, and brahmachariya also enhances the visionary aspects of fasting.
One can also benefit from fasting as a standalone practice and anyone on the spiritual path wanting to improve their health in various ways, can reap clear tangible health benefits from fasting. Those addicted to eating lots of sugar and/or overeating in general and/or the wrong types of foods can also heal themselves and their bodies on a deeper level, heal their relationship with food and the stories that cause them to eat unhealthily in the first place.
Ongoing Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting can be summed up as eating in a short time window each day (or sometimes every other day) and fasting in between. The benefit of intermittent fasting are the health benefits that come from a daily 15-24hr fast, depending on whether one adopts 1 meal a day (OMAD) or 2 meals a day (TMAD) and how tight one wants the eating window to be. The ideal is that which can be sustained ongoing, and for some, eating all of the calories one plans to intake on OMAD may be a tall order, unless one is also doing some calorific restriction fasting alongside (eating less than one’s ordinary daily requirements).
One can break up one large meal into two smaller 2 meals, and spares the sense of being too full on OMAD, if one is doing OMAD and dry fasting outside of the eating window, taking all of one’s daily food and several litres of liquid intake in one hit can be impractical and physically uncomfortable. One can consider that on intermittent fasting with long 16-24h fasts, the stomach will prefer small meals over large ones, through experience, one can know.
Autophagy (the body’s self detoxification and cleaning house process) tends to kick in at around the 12-14h fasting mark, and can be intensified by exercise in the fasting window. I tend to hike 3-4 hours most days, and at weekends 6-7 hours, all in the fasted state, and it intensifies the autophagy and shortens the oneset time.
Personally I find fasting and exercise go hand in hand, and the nature gives the grounding for the practice and the prana input from the sunrise and from being and living in nature in general.
At 18-20h the effects of autophagy are more obvious and can show as spontaneous kidney and liver detoxification, a sense of feeling healthier and stronger in body and energy (as the body is cleaning house of old cellular waste), and a few weeks of intermittent fasting induced autophagy can generate such effects as ;– more suppleness in the joints, better sports performance, natural curing of mild ailments, greatly improved insulin resistance/blood glucose levels and a refined relationship with food.
One can also experience a strong uptick in general skeletal health as autophagy will have an effect in terms of detoxing the joints (in combination with the right supplementation). Understanding supplementation is also a work in itself and ideally healthy living is a long term practice rather than something one would only dip into every January after a Christmas food binge.
Anyone trying fasting will find it alters sleep and one may also find dreaming goes off the scale in terms of lucidity and intensity, as well as in improved dream recall and an uptick in astral travel (OOBE’s) during sleep,. At the same time in terms of walking consciousness enhancement – one can experience a strong uptick in waking mystical experiences that come at the end of the fasting window – or sometimes upon refeeding when done consciously and in the right way.
One can also use fasting as a type of “spiritual exorcism” for those working with purifying themselves of any type of psychic disturbance, deep fasting will purify it out and give immunity.
Sometimes every 3 months or so one can do a 5-7 day water/herbal tea fast, fasting at certain times of year is very conducive to the Ascension Process, knowing how, how long and when to fast (and in what method) is a process that depends on one’s individual state and intentions.
The Right Type of Food
What one eats in the eating windows is everything, one would naturally gravitate away from heavy carbs, grains, carb laden foods and integrate more healthy proteins and fats in the diet (more keto aligned) along with the right array of nutritious fruits and vegetables.
Keto can be restrictive for vegans, once I cured insulin resistance from intensive fasting and keto several years ago, I was able to eat carbs again without ill-effect, but in moderation – and thus I do eat some carbs in the eating window. Avacadoes can be a good food for intermittent fasting, and one can also derive value from eating things such as citrus fruit, raw peppers, onions, tomatoes and other salad vegetables.
Many vegans (and non vegans) can tend to eat far too many glucose based foods and do too much “snacking” – beware of the danger of insulin resistance and its many implications – and more importantly – how to cure it naturally without pharceuticals or medical intervention. People would be well advised to also do the research and understand what insulin resistance is and isn’t and how prevalent it is (a lot of people have it).
Intermittent Fasting in my experience can reverse/cure insulin resistance.
The right type of liquids also helps on the fasting journey, I ditched coffee completely (using Blended Ritual as a transition) in favour of herbal teas and “spice cure or tonic drinks” (for example a blend of turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, black pepper and raw cacao steeped in hot water). One can experiment with making various homemade herb and spice drinking cures and tonics to suit, and naturally one would be sure that one’s drinking water is natural, and for those more into healthy one can go deeper into specialized supplementation.
Experiences of Dry Fasting
Dry fasting (not drinking for the duration of the intended dry fast) is for people that are strong in their energy and well purified in their energy bodies, and who have researched the physical and medical aspects of it (ie, knowing what you are doing),
Disclaimer, do not try dry fasting without consulting your doctor.
The process can be somewhat extreme and is not for everyone as it is somewhat demanding, one needs to be well in tune with one’s body, what one experiences in terms of physical sensations, and to know where one’s edge is (that can be extended through experience and practice).
There are stories of deaths as a result of dry fasting, it is necessary to understand why they happened and to do the research to understand the medical aspects of dry fasting, as there are various clear signs that herald when one needs to end the dry fast, long before death would occur. One also needs to understand how to end a fast properly, and the whole process requires awareness, preparation and thought, as well as careful planning. In addition, one needs to ensure the various supportive conditions are in place for dry fasting including having enough past experience of fasting and the right energy/spiritual conditions to do the practice.
The basic premise of dry fasting is allowing “old water” to be drained and purified from the cells, water fasting does not allow the same process, and personally, I find dry fasting easier.
I got sustained in an established 20hr intermittent fasting routine of 2 meals a day (TMAD) in a 2-4 hour eating window, followed by 18-22 hour daily dry fasts and exercising intensively in the dry fasting stage, and that works for me in a sustained daily manner in the present time, -with some intensive fasting days of OMAD (with a reduced calorie intake). I was able to hike up 700metres with a 25 kilo backpack at the end of a 20hr dry fast without ill effect, and the combination of dry fasting and workout had an extreme visionary effect, those who fast intensively can understand its visionary aspects and how fasting induces spiritual visions.
The rewards for me showed in terms of enhanced dreaming, revitalized energy in the body, mind and spirit, and a very strong alignment with Source or The Higher Power.
In terms of “mind rejuvenation” one can experience a deeper spiritual wisdom and insight that arises naturally through the process of fasting, sharpening the cognitive awareness and dissolving various veils to the mystical and spiritual realms.
For some, fasting can be an alternative and efficient method of making and maintaining a strong astral planes access whilst strengthening the body and one’s health at the same time. One also really needs to be away from the cities and the mainstream human race whilst doing it as one needs the “prana power” of nature to boost one and support the practice. It can be said the energy of the mainstream human race is a counterforce to an easier and deeper fasting process as it counters the force of accumulated prana (and advanced readers will understand the dynamics of why that is), and those who have done long dry fasts generally did it in the wilderness.
Some may also find fasting a far superior and more efficient way of invoking visionary experiences over the path of ayahuasca and other plant medicines. One can experience the mystical aspect of prana (the Sun/Central Suns Energy), thats sustains one, and heals one, by way of the process. Being able to integrate prana into the body enables one to function well on less food and experience the Divine/Spiritual Force in the body, which rejuvenates. energizes and heals.
In my opinion becoming well versed in daily dry fasting is a necessary step before going deeper with it – pushing the hours or days count over sustainability may not be so useful in the long term.
Dry fasting is a very unique practice that may work for some people, I do not teach people how to dry fast as such as people have died dry fasting in the wrong way (but can share my experience of how I do it), nor do I recommend dry fasting to anyone and people drawn to it can do their own research. From personal experience one day I was called to it by way of a “divine dispensation” from another Mentor who taught dry fasting.
My personal intention is to work up to do a 7 day dry fast in early 2025 and may have something to share about it next year.
Touching the Flame and the Fire Energy
Some may find dry fasting accelerates spiritual access very intensely and can give one visions of the inner fire from within (as referred to by Carlos Castenada) and inside one’s energy there can be the experience of anything between a soft glowing sun and a huge burning fire energy (and advanced readers will understand the spectrum of that mechanism and what causes one to go beyond the soft glowing sun energy into the burning fire energy).
It is this fire energy that sustains one in dry fasting to the extent one can integrate and harmonize with it, hence the prerequisite of a lifetime channelled into Mastery of Energy and an ability to work with extreme astral planes access in the body. It can be seen dry fasting can be an Ascension Level Practice and an initiating force into the Sorcery Worlds.
It is said in some branches of Ascended Masters teachings one can never “touch the flame” (aka enter into the Astral Fires of the Central Galactic Suns, via our own Sun, from which the soul essence itself comes from) with the astral body. However, it is only a perspective and opinion.
One can “touch the flame” (and even go into it) – if one is an intrepid astral traveller, has a large amount of accumulated energy to work with, a strong and purified energy body, a purified karma energy, knows the astral lay of the land and then it is a matter of benevolence from a Higher Power that lets one’s astral body in.
Then one can experience an astral planes network of stellar wormholes at the centre of stars that allow for interstellar astral travel, and one can have the experience of astral travel to other Star Systems (and their planetary systems) in the Universe, seeing what intelligence is there, and then returning to Earth with the understanding of what one has seen and a purified energy.
Making such an Access is a Life Work of Mastery of Energy, Mastery over one’s Life Energy along with the prerequisities of bodily, emotional, karmic and spiritual purification, and dissolving “the human form” along with dissolving/transcending the causes and forces that would otherwise compel one to reincarnate in 3D.
The end aim of such Inner Work is becoming spiritually free (of reincarnation vices) and thus not taking rebirth in the human world.
One can see very quickly in the intensive fasting spiritual experiences how too much food reaffirms 3D physical plane density and all the comes with it.
Integrating the Fasting Energy
As with all spiritual practices, fasting brings an increased energy and attains one merit (white karma stones), the experience of fasting can also bring a deeper clarity on life purpose, and it is worth contemplating the intentions of fasting and what one wishes to do with the energy and merit attained. For some it can further one’s Ascension Process (whatever that may be for each person) and fasting work can bring one into a closer Union with the Higher Power.
Fasting in my experience is a “Star Gate to Heaven” in that the divine and heavenly energy descends into one’s physical body through an astral portal that opens up within the body, as a result of the practice. For the Path of Ascension, anything that draws the divine energy into the body and dissolves denser attachments to food and the physical form has a strong value. The benefit of fasting also, is that it brings spiritual grounding.
Fasting makes one strong in the body and strong in “spiritual constitution”, a necessity for anyone on the spiritual path incarnated on Earth at this time, and the mystical experiences and divine insights from the process can illuminate one more into the meaning and reason of one’s incarnation with the result that one can live a more healthy and fulfilled spiritual life.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit