1 Month Intensive Life Coaching/Spiritual Mentoring Program


1 Month Intensive Life Coaching/Spiritual Mentoring Program with Spiritual Master Free Spirit and his wife Alexandra.


1 Month Intensive Life Coaching/Spiritual Mentoring Program with Spiritual Master Free Spirit.

A Package of 7 x 3 hour Consultation Calls (via Google Meet – or if preferred Facebook Messenger, LinkedIn Messenger or Zoom) with Spiritual Master Free Spirit.

Scheduled to suit and to be used within 1 month – with 1 month of inclusive ongoing email consultations / DM chats alongside. Each Call also allows for a mid-point break of 10-15 minutes.

Includes email consultations in between the Calls.  The Calls are designed to facilitate the discussion of the most challenging, serious, life-changing, important spiritual and/or earthly matters. He can provide unique, rare and useful insight in the resolution of the most complex karmic stories that can possibly arise in one’s life.

Includes 7 x 1.5 hr (90 minutes) Coaching Calls with Alexandra (Free Spirit’s wife) covering topics such as Breathwork, cleansing and detox, fasting, meditation and the option to do Breathwork Sessions with her.

The expertise of the Spiritual Master is most suited for those working on the area of Life and Spiritual Mastery, winning big disputes, those with spiritual entrepreneurial endeavours, big life changes and those wanting to extract from complex karma stories.

This level of investment is most suited for those wanting expertise via the mentoring of Spiritual Master Free Spirit on winning high level disputes, dispute extraction, any other kind of serious karmic extraction out of any kind of Earth karma – including winning malicious or ill-founded lawsuits, dealing with people or organizations that want to sue you for a million+ and defeating the intentions, and/or working on areas in one’s life where a large and life changing amount of money is at stake (greater than the investment in the mentoring process).

The second sphere of potential clients are those with significant amounts of monetary abundance, who feel an absence of spiritual balance and seeking a spiritual re calibration, perhaps those wishing to make life changing career changes, or other big life changing decisions, factoring in their spiritual development.

The third sphere of potential clients are those who are Spiritual Mentors who want to be successful in spiritual entrepreneurial or business endeavours and attain Financial Mastery, and benefit from the life experience and wisdom of the Spiritual Master.

The fourth sphere of potential clients are those who wish to have the opportunity to intensively discuss their life experiences and spiritual path (serving as a Comprehensive Life and Spiritual Path Overview/Review) and/or who are looking to have enlightening and meaningful philosophical discussions about the mysteries of Life.