Spiritual Master Free Spirit is 49 and he legally changed his name to “Free Spirit” almost 20 years ago. His interests include astral travel, astronomy, consciousness, environmental science, the esoteric, meditation, mysticism, philosophy, prophetic awareness (foreseeing the future), reincarnation of the soul, understanding the Universe as well as understanding Ascension, the nature of ET intelligence and the truth of life on other worlds.

He is also is a strong advocate for healthy living, he has been a strict vegan for 25 years, he does a lot of intermittent fasting (with some keto), hikes often and lives in the mountains of Portugal with his wife and 3 dogs.

He lives in lifelong retreat from the mainstream human race and works with those aligned to his life journey, spiritual path, spiritual wisdom and teachings, and who understand (and can learn from) the experiences he had on the Path.

After spending his early years trekking and travelling in the Himalayas and studying Enviromental Science at University, he later worked in elderly care involving looking after sick and dying people in nursing homes whilst living in Glastonbury.

He then left that work to become an author and writer – and he travelled the world between 2010-2012 visiting the sacred sites of Sedona and also backpacking Australia amongst many other places during which he found a deeper connection with his soul purpose, his Star Beings and he then made roots in Portugal.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit is now a Life Coach and Spiritual Mentor and he offers High-Fee Life Coaching Intensives (1 or 3 Months) and Long Term Life Coaching and/or Spiritual Mentoring (1 Year or for Life) to High-Net-Worth clientele.

Suited clientele are those who

His High-Fee Life Coaching and/or Spiritual Mentoring Arrangements are suited for individuals aligned with his teachings who have an understanding of the core tenets of the Path of Spiritual Mastery and who are able to make the necessary financial investments.

His Entry Level Life Coaching Intensives, his Life Work and his Long Term Spiritual Mentoring Arrangements are suited for those able to invest a large amount of money to work with him. Following on from a key revelation that he had in one of his last Ayahuasca ceremonies (in 2016) – that his work was worth a million – Spiritual Master Free Spirit now only works with High-Fee Clientele.

By understanding that key Life Lesson – along with leaving Ayahuasca aside (and integrating the revelations and wisdom in grounded astral awareness in the body) – he then became purified of human world (and light-worker) karma – and then took up the Path of Brahmachariya and Spiritual Mastery.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit ascended (and evolved out of) the “light-worker community” and the Ayahuasca Path in 2016 after having many strong and powerful astral planes experiences with Star Beings and ET’s from other planes of existence along with various revelations about the collapse of the human race and how to work with that awareness.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit is also not a light-worker and he teaches that such a Path does not lead to Spiritual Mastery or Ascent off the Karma Wheel. He offers Online Mentoring for those interested in his unique perspectives and who resonate with his wisdom.

His Advanced Level Spiritual Mentoring is most suited for those aligned to being a non-returner to the Earth Planes (not reincarnating again on Earth and the realm of human-world karma) and who are aligned in themselves to that Spiritual Path.

Those most suited to working with him are those do not see themselves as light-workers, those with a strong resonance of the reality of Star Beings and the concept of being reborn/reincarnated onto Higher Dimensional Worlds beyond the Earth – who are interested in understanding (and learning from) Spiritual Master Free Spirit’s life experiences with Star Beings.

The predominant theme of his spiritual teachings relates to purifying one’s karma with the human race.

He also offers a 1 or 3 Month Intensive Life Coaching/Spiritual Mentoring Program as an Entry Level option for those working on complex life stories and karmic issues that his unique perspectives are able to assist you with – or for those who wish to have the opportunity to intensively discuss their life experiences and spiritual path (serving as a Comprehensive Life and Spiritual Path Overview/Review).

Spiritual Master Free Spirit and his wife Alexandra offers High-Fee Life Coaching and/or Spiritual Mentoring at 4 price levels.

1 Month Intensive Life Coaching/Spiritual Mentoring Program. 7 x 3 hour Video Calls / Unlimited DM/Email Mentoring – 30 Days.(Investment GBP 20,000)

3 Month Intensive Life Coaching/Spiritual Mentoring Program – 20 x 3 hour Video Calls / Unlimited DM/Email Mentoring – 90 Days. (Investment GBP 50,000)

His Complete Life Work – including his Merkabah Art Collection, Literary Works, and 1 Year of Mentoring (Investment GBP 1 million*)

Spiritual Mentoring for Life (investment GBP 2,5 million*)

* plus applicable taxes

About Spiritual Master Free Spirit and his Work

Spiritual Master Free Spirit has been a Spiritual Teacher for 12 years and writes about Eternal Love, Star Beings, Transcendence of the Karma Wheel and White Sorcery – as well as many other spiritual topics.

He is the author of six literary works including Keys to Immortality, The Life Story of Spiritual Master Free Spirit and The Voyager Masterpiece and he has published some public discourses on YouTube.

Alongside teaching he is also a Merkahah Artist who creates complex mathematical and geometric sculptures.

After 25 years of intensive spiritual purification, for some years following, he received many insights from higher-dimensional ETs in the Universe in relation to how to work with the matter of biosphere collapse and how to ascend out of the human condition.  Free Spirit was able to journey beyond time and space, to the furthest reaches of the known Universe and beyond, and in those experiences he was transformed and healed of everything in this world by the love of Source and his Star Beings..

He came to understand the true nature of reality, the transience of the human condition, the truth of life after death, as well as the truth that human beings can evolve into higher-dimensional Star Beings (ETs) at the end of their karmic journey.

By doing so, they are spared the collapse and instead ascend out of the Reincarnational Cycles of death and rebirth in 3D. His rare books are a sharing of his deep experiences with higher-dimensional ETs and are suited for those who sense they are at the end, or close to the end, of their journey through the Reincarnational Cycle (aka The Karmic Wheel). They are also deeply instructive for those who have the ethical grounding as well as the respect and openness in their hearts to receive these pure teachings.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit experienced the love of ET’s from other planes of reality and through that contact, became healed of many things in this world and was able to travel throughout the Universe in his astral body, and to see the reality beyond the collapse of the biosphere – an Immortal reality, immune to death, degradation, sickness and suffering – populated by loving ET’s that can enable some people to physically ascend prior to the collapse of the biosphere or in other instances ascend out of the Karma-Wheel at death.

He understood that the love of these ET’s was the key to an Ascension, either in spirit or body, and how ET Love can enable an ascension out of the karmic human condition once one has integrated astral reality into the physical reality. His work is a set of teachings and perspectives on the matter of the collapse that have become refined over time with a focus on Karma-Immunity.

Star Beings and Ascension (Image Licensed to Free Spirit by Adobestock)

His work is suited to advanced and evolved souls who understand they are at the end of their journey through karmic reality and who are called to the Path of Physical and / or Spiritual Ascension.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit writes also about Brahmachariya as an Ascending Force.

Many people do not perceive Star Beings (ET’s) in their energy and his work is suited for those who do have a connection with Star Beings and who are able to handle the strong lessons that they bring.

These Astral Star Beings offer Spiritual Ascension (ascension off the Karma Wheel after death) or Physical Ascension (ascension without death) for karmically purified individuals able to integrate and receive the love – and wisdom – of these ET’s, ultimately, with the aim of transcending the Karma Wheel of death and rebirth.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit’s Life Work is a sharing of his multi-year contact with Highly Advanced Immortal Loving ET’s from other planes of reality, who offer opportunities for human beings to physically and/or spiritually ascend at the end of their karmic journey. His Life Work is a sharing of journeys into the astral worlds of Loving ET’s and sojourns to other dimensions beyond the human form from where he channelled astral energy, power, wisdom and ultimately realized the nature of Eternal Love.

For those who make it their life work to work with the teachings and who are open to the truth that Loving ET’s from other realities exist, they can be healed of everything in this world, understand what immortality is and is not, transcend the karma of reincarnation and enter into a deeper understanding of who they are, their place in the Universe and their relationship to Source. The Voyager Path or the Path of Ascension is the path laid out for individuals aspiring to ascend out of Earth-Karma, become a non-returner to 3D and becoming reborn on worlds of Higher Dimensional ET’s that Free Spirit visited in his many journeys.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit experienced benevolent love in the form of Loving ET’s from Higher Dimensional Worlds, seeing the future as of being an Ascension out of the Karmic Wheel by way of Transcendental (Eternal) Love from ET’s and Source.

That Transcendental Love from a wide array of benevolent and loving beings from many Higher Astral Worlds is the underlying energy and theme of his Life Work.

Eternal Love of Star Beings

It is the truth that there are Higher Worlds and Higher Beings, those attuned to such truths and aligned to Eternal Love, can perceive them, work with their teachings, their love and ultimately integrate it all into Earth Life. Eternal Love is the answer to all that troubles the human race and those who work with healing their ego into the Higher Love can find forgiveness for karma and a deeper understanding of themselves, their hearts, their spiritual paths and the secrets of the Universe.

Those who forgive themselves for being in separation from love or being in their egos, those who ask for healing from Source or their Star Beings for their karma and open themselves up to the possibility to receive forgiveness from karma through the power of Eternal can be healed of many things that keep them trapped in the cycles of death and rebirth. They can then have a more balanced and integrated awareness of the inner loving light of Eternal Love having purified and worked off the karmas of the ego. 

It is for each person to find an understanding of what Eternal Love is reflecting on concepts such as immunity from karma, resistance to karma, divine grace, emotional integration and transcendence, balancing of divine feminine and masculine as well as also understanding Eternal Love as the ruling force in the Universe, the Supreme Power.

One might also reflect on the nature of the metaphysical element of fire (sacred fire / inner fire), those that can integrate the energy of fire element can pass through many astral walls of extreme fire and then enter into another different reality of existence (on the other side of the astral fire walls) knowable to perhaps only a handful of mortal human beings.

Astral Planes Stellar Gateways

That reality beyond the astral fire walls is the astral abode of Eternal Love (where fire empowers, nurtures, loves and sustains one) and is the immunity from karma and the energy for the transmuting of the human form prior to an Ascension. Many will have had feelings or mystical experiences of Eternal Love, such experiences are glimpses of the real deal and have some value as they start the spiritual purification process to become grounded in white karma stones.

Seeing, feeling or understanding Eternal Love is one thing, entering straight into the raw undiluted power of Eternal Love is another matter. One has to go through the astral fire walls to enter into the abode on the other side and that is advanced, difficult and extreme to do. Eternal Love is the strongest mirror available to mortal humans – purification by astral fire in order to be able to work with the the energy. The opposite of the often impenetrable burning, steely fire energies of the fire suns (that burns off ego dross and karma) is the interior of such suns, within the well guarded fire suns are worlds of sublime peace, deeper knowing, deeper wisdom and spiritual communion with one’s Star Beings or Ascended Spirit Guides.

When one is walking the path of Astral Planes Integration and Energy Mastery correctly backed up with doing all the other requisites of the spiritual work, the burning sun spheres that are encountered out of body can then be integrated into ones energy body and then one has in essence assembled, downloaded and integrated an Astral Portal or Stargate into ones own Eternal Heart Centre.

What Eternal Love is, is the energy (love from loving Star Beings) that flows through that Portal from Higher Dimensional worlds to assist in one’s journey out of the human karma condition. When one has little karma, the access to the other worlds is very strong and comes with ease, then one can also have a deeper understanding of what Eternal Love from Star Beings is, its origins and the inherent benevolence existing in the Higher Dimensional planes amongst Ascended Beings and Loving ETs

Then one can channel that benevolence into ones Earthly form and its energy can be utilized for one’s spiritual path and mission. The key is to be able to integrate the peace and harmony of the energy of the other worlds whilst being immune to lower astral interferences, and to be in Brahmachariya to forge the energy in the Heart Centre, then the energy of Eternal Love is the energy for the inner journeys. One can then have the experience of the Inner Astral Suns showing as inner astral journeys into serene seascapes, other planetary worlds or simply being harmonized with an astral energy from Source along with a deeper understanding of one’s spiritual identity. These Star Beings often present Advanced Level Spiritual Lessons for Star seed Souls those working to finish their karma story with the human race and evolve out of the human condition so one does not have to be reborn again on Earth.

The Voyager Masterpiece

VOYAGER, completed in 2016, is an Advanced Level Masterpiece for those who can handle strong truths and who are ready to purify themselves in the presence of Source. Voyager offers a glimpse into spiritual reality as seen from the perspective of a Spiritual Master and is the product of many years of intensive spiritual purification.

In the presence of deeply loving Star Beings from Source, Free Spirit came to understand how the human race is in serious trouble and that it is only a matter of time before catastrophic climate change triggers  a massive human die-off.

His ongoing relationship with Star Beings and the Source has revealed to Free Spirit that it is possible to leave a dying biosphere as a fully-realized Voyager and not have to bear witness to the collapse of human civilization.

Voyager contains some of the purest and most refined spiritual teachings available anywhere on Earth in relation to Physical Ascension, Upper Astral Reality and the Truth about Loving ET’s.

Voyager is most suited for advanced souls with interests in either Physical Ascension and rare esoteric works, or for rare book collectors.

Alexandra (Free Spirit’s wife)

Spiritual Master Free Spirit’s Complete Life Work including 6 rare esoteric works, 121 Discourses and the spiritual experience of his life is the product of an ongoing relationship with Loving ET’s from Higher Astral Planes of Existence.

His Life Work is suited for ethically purified and 3D-Matrix retired individuals who are old-souls here on Earth who have interests in Physical Ascension / Spiritual Mastery – who wish to understand the many experiences he had with Loving ET’s and work with the teachings of Spiritual Master Free Spirit in their lives.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit is also married (since October 2012) to Alexandra. One of the spiritual lessons on Earth for many is to be able to do an earth-marriage.

Those that want to be successful and well grounded in their work and businesses are well advised to have the marriage and relationship lessons well integrated.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit also offers relationship and/or spiritual business mentoring as part of his Life Coaching and Spiritual Mentoring Services.

Meet Alexandra Free Spirit’s wife in this YouTube Video.

In this video, his amazing wife, Alexandra Dittmann, will guide you through her personal exploration of spirituality—unearthing the profound experiences that have shaped her path and illuminated their work together.

You’ll hear about her experiences in the coaching field, and the invaluable wisdom she’s cultivated along the way.

Whether you’re just curious about spiritual coaching or looking for inspiration for your own journey, come along with us as we dive into the depths of self-discovery and empowerment.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit has published some insightful introductory articles about topics that include Ascension, Ayahuasca, Awareness, the Central Galactic Suns, Forgiveness, Healing the Ego, Unconditional Love and Karmic Healing, as well as articles about his life experiences sharing some perspectives on his legal journey and the value of his work.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit is also a writer about the Twin Flame Phenomena and its many facets. Twin Flames (or in some cases beings who can appear as, or mimic, Twin Flames) can also bring one back to Eternal Love as it did in Free Spirit’s case after many challenging, extreme and very unusual metaphysical experiences involving astral-energy, ayahuasca, energy cords, fire energy, fires, sorcery experiences and karmic stone moving that led him to ascend out of the energy of the karma-worlds.

He left the Ayahuasca Path behind in 2016 after seeing the limitations of the Path and then pursued the Path of Philosophical Integration and White Sorcery instead. There are also some introductory free to access discourses on his You Tube about loving ET’s, perspectives on the collapse, forgiveness, awareness and other introductory topics.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit is also a Merkabah Artist creating large, rare and unique artworks made from the principles of dimensional and mathematical geometry designed to enhance astral awareness and dreaming.

The Voyager Merkabah

These Merkabahs are very complex and align one to the Higher Intelligences within the Universe. They are an Advanced-Level Dreaming Technology designed to enhance dreaming awareness and the experience of astral travel.

Free Spirit’s experiences with Star Beings in the Upper Astral, inspired the designs.

Advanced dreamers and meditators will find these structures can facilitate nocturnal OOBE’s (Out of Body Experiences) that can include journeying to other worlds and planes beyond the Earth – for those vibrationally aligned to this kind of inter-dimensional travel.

The Merkabahs were inspired by contact with Intergalactic Beings from the Higher Astral Worlds of Source after having travelled through the Galactic Central Sun in the astral body. The Beings spoke to Free Spirit deeply and explained to him how to make the structures to channel in the energies of the Galactic Central Sun and Source.

Free Spirit’s experience of creating these Merkabahs triggered major astral journeys into far out regions of the dream-time where he had the experience of contact with loving ET’s who gave him much wisdom in relation to the nature of reality, the Universe and the future of life above and beyond the human condition.