Voyager / The Complete Life Work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit
The Teachings of Spiritual Master Free Spirit (in discourse and literary form) including VOYAGER are suited for those who are well grounded in the Earthly, interested in the experiences that he had in the Higher Astral Planes and in his Earthly Life, and who respect the value of his awareness and the teachings – reflected in the cost of his work.
Author Signed Collectors Items.
Includes 3 Years of Online Spiritual Mentoring.
The Complete Life Work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit consists of the entirety of his teachings in discourse and written form and 3 Years of Online Mentoring. The package includes 121 Private Video Discourses and 6 rare author signed books, including Keys to Immortality and his Voyager Masterpiece which are not mainstream listed and a large array of very complex Dreaming Merkabahs.
Those who invest in his Life Work will be able to build many of them (a large house will be required for 10-15 large structures) in order to explore astral awareness, dreaming and meditation with the structures, other structures are shipped whole in large padded boxes.
The Teachings of Spiritual Master Free Spirit (in discourse and literary form) are suited for those who are well grounded in the Earthly, who are grounded in truth and integrity and are interested in the experiences that he had in the Higher Planes and in his Life with Loving ETs, and who respect the value of his awareness and the teachings – reflected in the cost of his work.
Those who invest in his work will also understand deeply the story of humanity not being able to have access to these books at mainstream rates, why that is, and how Free Spirit realized his spiritual gifts and wisdom was worth far more than what many can pay, ultimately leading him to put a very high price tag on his work, and to ascend out of the karma of the human race.
His work will take a lifetime to assimilate and integrate into one’s awareness, and his books, teachings, and him as a Mentor is an opportunity to learn deeply from the experience of his life – including the 2012-2017 timeline shift he experienced from 3D into 5D, and his karmic and spiritual ascent out of the karma of the human race, how his understanding of reality changed and evolved over time, and how becoming a High-Fee Spiritual Mentor purified him of light-worker and legal persecution karma that he became victorious over as a result of learning his lessons. His work is suited to those aligned to not taking rebirth in the human race.
Students will need their whole lives remaining on Earth to assimilate and integrate the material.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit’s 6 author-signed rare literary works including The Voyager Masterpiece (Mint Condition Author Signed Collectors Items*) and the 121 Discourses constitutes his Complete Life Work and Teachings.
They serve as a deep, unique and personal sharing of his many experiences in the astral worlds with loving ET’s, and how a 10 year+ experience with such beings changed his outlook and Earthly Life.
* Keys to Immortality and Voyager are Hardback.
His Life Work is most suited for those well-extracted from Earthly karma, established in plant based diets, retired from the Matrix, healthy in body, heart, mind and spirit – and with few (or no) energy cords to the karmic worlds.
VOYAGER offers a glimpse into spiritual reality as seen from the perspective of a Spiritual Master and is the product of many years of intensive spiritual purification. In the presence of deeply loving Star Beings from Source, Free Spirit came to understand how the human race is in serious trouble and that it is only a matter of time before catastrophic climate change triggers a massive human die-off.
His ongoing relationship with Star Beings and the Source has revealed to Free Spirit that it is possible to leave a dying biosphere as a fully-realized Voyager and not have to bear witness to the collapse of human civilization.
Voyager contains some of the purest and most refined spiritual teachings available anywhere on Earth. It is also a candid, detailed and open sharing of Free Spirit’s experiences and journeys with Higher-Dimensional ET’s in the Upper Astral Worlds.
Free Spirit shares how his relationship with the Star Beings and Source has become refined and purified in recent years – as well as how to integrate spiritual knowledge into the awareness of the body in order to ascend and be free from the karma of suffering and death.
Voyager is an Advanced Level Masterpiece for those who can handle strong truths and who are ready to purify themselves in the presence of Source.
His work is a product of many years of profoundly transformational experiences with loving Star Beings from other worlds and is suited to those who believe in the existence of Higher Dimensional ET’s and are aligned to a Physical Ascension in this life. His work speaks of a love from Higher Worlds that acts as a gateway beyond the human condition.
His Life Work and the Mentoring are most suited for Starseeds on advanced paths, for those well-extracted from Earthly karma, established in plant based diets, retired from the Matrix, healthy in body, heart, mind and spirit – and with few (or no) energy cords to the karmic worlds, who are called by their Source to study and work with the advanced level teachings of the Spiritual Master.
ONLINE SPIRITUAL MENTORING The Life Work of Spiritual Master Free Spirit also includes access to him for 3 Years of Spiritual Mentoring by way of Video Conferencing Calls (via Google Meet, LinkedIn Video Calling, Zoom or similar) for those wishing to share their spiritual journey in great depth and benefit from the wisdom of the Spiritual Master and able to invest the necessary merit exchange in the mentoring arrangement.
The Calls are also useful to facilitate the discussion of the most challenging, serious, life-changing, important spiritual and/or earthly matters. The expertise of the Spiritual Master is most suited for those working on areas such as winning big disputes, those with spiritual entrepreneurial endeavours, big life changes and those wanting to extract from complex karma stories.
Investment – £1 million
+20% VAT (total amount invoiced will be £1.2 million)